Access & Highways
Vehicular access to Highlands Park Phase 2 will be from Highlands Lane to the west and Greys Road to the north. A gateway feature is proposed to be implemented on Greys Road which will help manage speed limits and provide a secondary access point.
A Transport Assessment will be submitted as part of our application which will detail the anticipated highways impacts of the proposed development, together with any mitigation required.
A dedicated site access is proposed for Phase 2. This allows the separation of commercial vehicles accessing the employment space and Parks Depot from those accessing the residential provision. This means the vehicles associated with the commercial uses on-site can be contained to one area within the site rather than travelling through the wider site via Highlands Lane.
Furthermore, the proposed access on Greys Road helps to create a gateway feature when approaching the Town which will reduce vehicle speeds in the vicinity of the site access by moving the speed limit change sign further west. This will also help improve highway safety.
Transport Improvements & Contributions
- £2M via Community Infrastructure Levy to Henley Town Council and Harpsden Parish Council
- Further funding for bus services connecting Highlands Park to Henley town centre
- Off-site highways improvements including the footway along Greys Road and traffic calming on Gillotts Road
- New foot and cycle paths linking to the Town Green and AONB and adding to the existing network of paths delivered as part of Highlands Park Phase 1