Design Principles
Design Principles
New buildings to be placed within a strong landscape setting. All trees around the edge of the site to be retained (except where the new access is proposed), helping to screen views of the site from the wider area.
Strong landscape buffers. These are proposed to the west and south edges of the site, to allow for extensive new tree planting and landscaping and provide a high-quality setting for the new development.
A new access is proposed to be formed from Greys Road on the northern boundary. The road entering the site is to include new street trees providing an avenue with buildings set back from the road, creating an attractive arrival space similarly designed to the arrival area of Phase 1.
Housing located centrally within the site. The new residential housing will form the main development area centrally within the site. Housing has been designed to outwardly face towards new areas of public open space and connect to public rights of way.
The design will match the quality of the new housing that has been provided within Phase 1. Whilst building design is at an early stage, Crest is seeking to utilise a matching palette of materials and design style to these buildings.
A healthy housing mix. A mixture of 2-5 bed houses is proposed across the development, alongside 1-bed flats. The affordable units (40%) will consist of 1-2 bed flats and 2-4 bed houses.
Affordable Housing
Crest will be upholding its promise of 40% affordable housing at Highlands Park and will be delivering this with a mix of tenures, including affordable rent and shared ownership properties with tenure blind design.
This provision of affordable housing will deliver further affordable housing options to residents, adding to that delivered by Phase 1. This will support first time access to the housing market and allow existing residents to stay local.
In addition to the provision of provision of 40% affordable housing, circa 20 homes are being brought forward to be managed by the emerging Community Land Trust.