Landscaping & Ecology

Crest’s vision for Phase 2 of Highlands Park has been designed to be sensitive to and best utilise the existing natural environment in order to develop a high-quality, open scheme that places nature at the heart of the proposals.

As well as improvements to biodiversity, Crest is committed to ensuring that neighbouring residents and existing residents of Highlands Park Phase 1 are provided sufficient visual screening to mitigate the development of Phase 2.

Our proposed landscaping & ecology enhancements include:

  • map marker icon Fully integrated publicly accessible open space including with the Town Green
  • tree iconA community orchard and growing garden with the potential for fruit tree planting
  • countryside iconOff-site countryside improvements, as well as extra planting within the AONB, outside of the site
  • planet earth iconDelivery of a biodiversity net gain
  • playground iconNew children’s play areas utilising natural features
Lanscaping samples

Sensitively placed with the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)

Highlands Park Phase 2 sits between Highlands Park Phase 1 and Greys Road within the AONB. The views from the AONB are screened by landscaping that will be further strengthened. The landscape strategy is being informed by a full landscape and visual assessment and the strategy will retain and enhance important landscape features characteristic of the AONB – principally the wooded boundaries and hedges. Crest will maintain its high design standards to this approach.

Access to the AONB itself will be improved, with enhancements to the local footpaths providing better access for the local community and positively contributing to the wider AONB.

LEAP Landscape vignette


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